What are brain and spinal cord injuries?
Brian and spinal cord injuries result from damage to these areas as a result of:
- accident or trauma
- brain tumour
- hydrocephalus
- aneurysm
- alcohol related brain impairment
- arthritis
- coma
These injuries can be from traumatic and non-traumatic causes and also result from conditions including Parkinson’s and Multiple Sclerosis. Injuries to the brain and spinal cord vary in severity, outcomes, and therapeutic response.
Allied Health Support for Brain and Spinal Cord Injury
Brain and spinal cord injuries may benefit from physical and supportive therapies focussed on neuro-rehabilitation. Occupational Therapists as well as Physiotherapists are involved in delivering these therapies, while other professionals such as podiatrists can support other areas that maintain wellbeing in seniors, such as geriatric foot care.
Occupational therapy
An occupational therapist is an important allied health professional in the treatment of people with central nervous system damage, offering support including:
- assessing and identify the person’s existing skills, abilities and strengths to manage everyday activities
- identifying obstacles that prevent people from doing what they want
- assessing home environments and providing advice on environmental modifications
- identifying barriers to participation in physical activities and exercise
- minimising risks and impediments to active enjoyment of life
- prescribing aids or equipment to allow engagement in physical activity and exercise
- determining the amount of cognitive support required for a person to complete an activity
- assessing suitability for cognitive rehabilitation programs
- providing advice around assistive technologies
- anger and behaviour management
- assisting with developing independence in daily activities such as washing and dressing or meal preparation
Physiotherapy can be used to treat people with these injuries by:
- improving balance co-ordination and movement
- devising exercise programs to maintain health and wellbeing
- relearning key physical abilities and functional tasks including walking, standing up etc.
- reducing the risk of falls
- restoring muscle strength and joint stability
- reducing muscle spasms, joint stiffness and associated pain
Our qualified podiatrists treat seniors who have experienced brain and spinal cord injury with:
- foot care advice and information
- corn and callus removal
- management and treatment of skin and nail disorders including in-grown toenails
- footwear advice and education
- orthotic therapy and custom orthotics including ankle foot orthoses
- biomechanical assessment including gait assessment and management
- neurological and vascular risk assessment

ACRS and brain and spinal cord injury
At ACRS, our allied health professionals devise individualised care plans for people experiencing the effects of brain and spinal cord injuries in both residential aged care and home care environments.